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Hi, I'm Yves! I'm the internet's most cringeworthy vampire twink, and web development is my passion. I started playing around with creating websites in the early 00's, and I've carried that passion with me ever since. Though I'm excited about modern advances in technology, I still love the self-indulgence and maximalism of Web 1.0.

Other interests of mine include music, books, and casual occultism. I'm an ex-nerd, turned poptimist and jock sympathist. I'm a godfather to two cats, whose levels of idiocy are an inspiration to me. I failed my road test at least six times, but I can run in six inch heels.

I hope you enjoy my little site, and have a lovely day! I encourage your to blatantly rip off my shit, and say hello if you are friendly and/or a sentient cat(boy).

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The Hanged Man The Hanged Man
Swords Suit of Swords
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